
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Morton Taylor Trail-head - Hiking in the rain!!!

 The Family hiking in the rain we set something up earlier in the week to hike with sisters and nieces!!  Even in the rain our plans stood true!  We picked Morton Taylor Trail Head off of Michigan Ave in Canton. as you can tell by the map it's not a very large hiking area but can be if you want to go further you can use the other trails like the ITC corridor Trail head  all these trails seem paved or close to paved.  And even with all the rain This park wasn't muddy as it looked..

As you see this is the parking lot with what use to be a bathroom nothing there now tho. (why)
And if you look at these images you will say that mud doesn't look nice. I will say it was the nicest mud i ever had to walk threw. it was more like puddles of water.. the "mud" was stuck to the ground or maybe it's not mud. It was wet but not muddy and I haven't ever met a trail like that.  it's like the mixed cement and let nature water it to solidify. 

That is the amazing park. What isn't so cool and please forgive me as i whine a lot in the next little part.. Humans, WTF is wrong with you all.  oh look i big and strong and dumb as a bag of rocks because me and my friends can flip a heavy bench. People can use this to take a break. well not now. Even 4 adults 3 chicks one strong man couldn't move it back. we did try tho.  This isn't the only bench like this. it's like a team of stupid people got together and said hey lets go bench tipping.  What ever happened to cow tipping. HAHAHA or leaving things that don't belong to you alone! What a thought!

Okay first complaint over-with back on to the fun stuff.. My niece hiked with us today! At least she had a raincoat. and a fun mind she likes to run but she was getting cold with just a thin pair of leggings on.  She was having fun!! 

 We kept following the river and seeing the water where it would be flooding the trail where things were made to help the inland water drain to the river. like this image to the right.  you can see the rocks sometimes humans are sweet right!!!
On our travels at this park one of us almost crushed a frog. A big frog too. He was cool he let all of us touch/pet it. and he posed for a cellphone pic or 20'lol

 You know when it rains it has a way to allow colors to pop and the tree's and ground and outside looks so vibrant. I found some fungi growing on a tree stump.  it was so big and colorful. so pretty!! and with the moss on the tree's that fallin over and we touched the moss it was so soft. Nature is freaking AMAZING!

Humans can be great and awful at the same time. The awesome parts is creating something this wonderful the time it took to carve out these benches with art. is amazing. Too bad old age and bad people have to ruin stuff like this.  you can tell when it was first done how amazing it was. only bits and peices are left. I went to this park one other time last year it looked better than so in less than 1 year these creations took a worse turn for the worse.  :(

Either way i'm glad i got to see them at least once in my life.  And after that on our way back we did run into the BIG tree..  The tree is huge.  just look at the little one looking up the tree. awe.. hiking with family. makes me a very happy Pril!!! can't wait to do this again.


  1. You and your pals are real troopers going through all this rain ... the trees are awesome when you look up at them and realize how small man really is compared to nature. Those carvings are awesome Pril! Glad you enjoyed yourselves there despite the rain (the rain and gloominess is getting old).

  2. Awe thanks! Lucky it didn't down pour but it was a wet one. I don't have much time to get out in nature so i can't let weather hold me back!
