Nature really has a hold on me right now. Being stuck in an office and a car for 10 hours a day really bites. More so when the weather is breaking and the sun is kissing everything but my face. Ugh..
So what a better way to break it up than to skip eating at lunch and go for a walk, and eat at my desk later. Today that is what I did.. I miss my walking lunch buddy tho. We use to go all the time and hike random places-- it did give us the energy to beat the latter part of the day. Living in the city, it's hard to feel completely safe out in this big world full of crazies. But sometimes you just got to let go of the fear and be smart and mindful of your surroundings. So that is what I did. Happy solo hiking Tuesday.
I use to, way back in the day, have a camera in hand and go take photos of the birds, plants and anything... I'm thinking I need to do that. I saw so many birds today, a great sign that spring is coming. I saw ducks, doves, cardinals, woodpeckers, thrush, birds like the robin-- oh how I miss thee. Go figure, all I could get were phone shots. I need my DSLR with me at all times. why did i get out of that habit.
So the park I went to today at lunch, I found an unpaved part. It was muddy-- not too muddy-- but muddy. Anyone who knows me knows I prefer unpaved dirt trails. But hey, sometimes I have to admit sidewalk cement walkways are really nice. Just not as fun to walk on. I won't get good at balance if I'm not forced to practice it. And walking in the wild does just that. I feel it forces one to be more mindful or they fall. Just the other day we had to remind ourselves to look down when walking... but... but the birds are in the tree's hard to walk and look maybe we should stop more! It all depends on what we are doing.
Thanks for reading...
With all the love in the world
"Get yourself outside!" That's good advice, Spring is in the air and hopefully we've dispensed with Winter until November. Where was this Pril - close by where you work I'm guessing? These are great pictures of the bird, and especially the bright blue sky. Your phone takes great pictures and it is nice to have it handy to take pics on the fly. I like the digital compact as it is handy, no fumbling around and I can hardly wait for not needing gloves. I bought a pair of gloves with the flip-top fingers - they are cumbersome to use and not all that warm, even with liners.