Monday, June 10, 2019
2 week vacation... outside of Michigan.. Long read.. Read at your own risk..
Monday, June 3, 2019
Windy days at Sterling State Park. Flooding and trails are down.
Monday, May 6, 2019
Riverview nature hike With a feasting hawk
Monday, April 29, 2019
Late Night Southgate Nature center. Sun set!!
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Huron River Flat Rock Michigan, PFAS
Monday, April 22, 2019
spring time is almost here. Garden time!!
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Lakeshore Park / Novi Tree Farm
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Morton Taylor Trail-head - Hiking in the rain!!!
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Memories from youth... Lake Erie Metro Park
Didn't matter how cold it was, if I was lucky enough to afford to go there I went! Normally it was a large family thing at the park. And we had to share all our toys... being an only child it was hard to share with my mean older cousin. so I never had the fun at that place that I wanted to. I may have to relive that and go to the wave pool this year. I was always younger and really forgot about parks as I grew up.
Well even though the storms were coming or going couldn't tell.. by the time I got home the sun was shining so we all went up to Lake Erie Metro Park. Loving this place now even older mainly for the trails and wildlife. We parked not anywhere near where we normally do. and took the paved path. We walked to the left to get to the bridge and a little bay type of water section at the park.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Oaks Opening Metropark in Toledo
Friday, March 22, 2019
Mudd Island paved path
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
holliday nature preserve 2nd attempt...
Monday, March 18, 2019
Lunch time solo walk
So what a better way to break it up than to skip eating at lunch and go for a walk, and eat at my desk later. Today that is what I did.. I miss my walking lunch buddy tho. We use to go all the time and hike random places-- it did give us the energy to beat the latter part of the day. Living in the city, it's hard to feel completely safe out in this big world full of crazies. But sometimes you just got to let go of the fear and be smart and mindful of your surroundings. So that is what I did. Happy solo hiking Tuesday.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Ducking back in Southgate wooded area
Friday, March 8, 2019
Two Owls of Exhaustion
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Belle Isle Wintry Hike
We get to the place where I want to hike and the road is closed, forcing us to go right by where we are hiking (perfect I won't pass my turn). The snow is plowed and you can see the ground. Parking spots were not plowed, so I think I parked in a spot... who knows. We get out and add our final layer on before we start. First-time hike for both of us, so I didn't bring any measuring devices or anything. Just wanted to enjoy the trail!
Part of it is paved I think, couldn't tell with the snow, but the ice under the snow wasn't a joke-- it was slippery. There was a butt print left in the snow at some point but everyone is okay!!! We take it a bit slower and hope to get off what we think was the paved part. A bridge and two kayak launches on this little creek. How cool, might have to check that out once it warms up. We noticed avski trail from someone cross country skiing. Sorry, I did walk on the tracks and I know you're not supposed to as it can make it more difficult for them to move across.
We stuck to the right instead of going over the bridge and taking the other way. Figured it would be a loop and that's the way we will head back. I was so hoping to break this trail and we didn't. Footsteps and ski marks were proof this was going to be a hard task to get done. We should have gotten an earlier start if I'll get this task done!! For those who don't know breaking the trail means you're the first to walk on it after a snow. It has been my desire to do this for the past few years. Some trails are hard to break, more so when you don't know what way they go and the open ground forest/woods can easily take you off-trail.
Welcome Post
Hello, I am moving some of my focused posts from my personal blog to here. This blog will mainly be about hiking trips that I make on the weekends, sometimes during the week, too. All of this info will lead up to a book I'm writing. So make sure you check back for more info on that.
Hiking is one of my favorite things to do... next to kayaking and backpacking and camping and just being outside. I love to walk on trails that don't have pavement. I love dirt trails that have been carved out by footsteps not machine. However I will walk anywhere, on any type of trail, if the sights are worth seeing. And if it's outside, it's worth seeing.
I normally hike with my partners, Frank and Jacki. I use them for sizing up items in photos.
Remember if you're out in the wild to Leave No Trace, Leave only foot prints and take only photographs and other peoples trash. To help clean up trails, it's always best to carry an extra plastic bag with you. If you see something and won't get harmed in picking it up, please do so. It takes a community to keep our trails clean and pretty for the next hiker!
Not a long post today. Just wanted to share some pretty photos of the setting sun in Southgate. Being ill isn't fun. And ...
Being surrounded by so much water, yet so many can't get clean drinkable water. Free food is for the taking in the streams and wate...
Riverview Nature Trail.. This trail is near the Riverview police shop. There isn't a lot of people here normally. and it's a nic...